Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday Weston!

Today is Weston's 5th birthday. On one hand it feels like it's been so much longer, but on the other hand it seems like it was just yesterday that we were sitting in the NICU being mesmerized by him. We sure do miss him and know he would have been an amazing big brother to Cash.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Doctor Appointment 12.22.08

Today I had another checkup - just 10 days since my last and I gained 4 pounds! Yikes!!! Everything's still lookin' good. I get another ultra sound at my next appointment so am very excited for that. It's so hard to believe that our little feller will be here in just 9 weeks! Wow! This pregnancy has gone by so fast. I really need to get cracking on the nursery. That's my New Year resolution - to have the nursery done by February 1.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

28 Weeks Pregnant + 28 Week Checkup

On Dec 9th we hit our 28th week of pregnancy. I had my checkup on the 12th. Everything's going great still - my blood pressure is still normal, and I passed my glucose test, which was a blessing. I did gain 7 pounds in the past month (yikes!) but didn't get the evil eye from my doctor this time. ;) When the doctor did the fundal height measurement, he said I've definitely grown the past month. He said I'm actually measuring borderline big which was fantastic news to me after going through my pregnancy with Weston measuring small every time. Johnny said he needs to go in and have the doctor measure his belly as he's getting fat. LOL. The doctor asked me if the baby's moving much. What a question with this kid!!! I told the doctor I feel like I've got an octopus growing in my belly as Cash moves ALL the time!!! He's constantly moving all day long, when I fall asleep at night and still when I wake up in the morning. When he gets here, he's either NEVER gonna sleep or he'll be so tired from all his acrobatics in utero he'll sleep all the time! Either way, I don't care as long as he's healthy. I go to the doctor every two weeks now so my next checkup will be Dec 22.

Today Johnny took me to Coral Ridge Mall in Coralville so I could do some much needed clothes shopping at the maternity store. I was in dire need of some clothes and undergarments so was a huge relief to get new ones! At least I can breathe now! :) Johnny got a cute book called Father To Son: Life Lessons on Raising a Boy that is filled with life lessons on raising a boy. After walking all around the mall, then going to Wal-Mart to do our grocery shopping, my feet are killing me! I'm gonna try talking Johnny into a foot massage but not sure that'll fly as he's not too big on that. It's worth a try!