Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Today we took Cash to the doctor and got some of his immunizations. What worries me about the immunizations is the possible reactions Cash could have to them. After losing Weston, I suppose I'm much worse about thinking up all the "what ifs" with Cash. We go back in one month for Cash to get the rest of his first set of immunizations. I'm very nervous about him getting the DTaP vaccine as the side effects he could potentially get with this immunization are worse than any of the other shots. I do understand the possibility of him having any of the really bad side effects, if any at all, are very slim but there is that chance. He does seem to be doing fine after his shots today - no fever, if anything he seems to be cold actually. He has slept pretty good all afternoon and so far this evening, which is good. I just gave him some more Tylenol and fed him. He did start fussing but calmed down when I gave him his pacifier. He also spit up quite a bit of what he ate (more than usual) which could be because of the RSV vaccine. Hopefully he'll be his normal self tomorrow.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Cash is supposed to get his immunizations tomorrow. Johnny & I still aren't sure what we're going to do. I did some researching online about immunizations after someone said they didn't get their boys immunized due to the ingredients found in the vaccines. Almost everything I found online about vaccinations was horror stories about reactions babies had to the shots. I think if we go ahead with his vaccinations we're going to spread them out. That way if Cash has a reaction to one of the vaccines, we'll know which one caused the reaction. Guess we'll decide for sure tomorrow after talking to the doctor.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
8 Weeks Old!

Yesterday Cash was 8 weeks old! I can't believe it was just 2 short months ago we were getting ready to meet this little feller. Boy time sure goes by fast - too fast! I took some pictures of Cash today since we're not taking him out yet so no photo studio trips right now. That's ok, though. I set up shop in the nursery and used my fancy camera Weston got me for Christmas. I snapped away until Cash had enough and started crying, which wasn't long. I'm gonna try again this week to get some more.
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