Monday, May 4, 2009

Cash's Weight Gain

We took Cash to the clinic today to get more of his immunizations. We're going with an alternate schedule which will require him to get shots every month until he's 12 months old. The reason we are doing this is because we do not want him to get vaccinated for so many different illnesses at a time - this way it's spread out. He'll get immunized for 2 or 3 illnesses (2 shots and one oral vaccination) or for 5 illnesses (one combined shot) each month. I bawled right along with him when he got his shot today. I hate seeing my baby in pain. :( He has been sleeping most of the rest of the day and seems to be doing ok. He did have 2 apnea alarms after we got home. The apnea alarms indicate that he stopped breathing for more than 20 seconds each time. I watched him both times the alarm went off and confirmed that he was not breathing, but after a few seconds, he started breathing very shallow breaths then returned to normal breathing. He only had the 2 spells and has been fine again since. Every 4 hours I am giving him Tylenol as he does seem to be pretty fussy when he wakes up and also has felt pretty warm.
On a brighter note, Cash went from the 25th percentile in the weight department (for a preemie) last month (weighing over 9 lbs) to the 90th percentile this month weighing 11 lbs 7 oz. Hopefully next month when he has his 4-month checkup he will have fallen off the preemie chart and be on the "regular" childhood chart. He's growing like a weed! He loves to "talk" to us in the mornings and he smiles a lot for us, too. This lasts a few hours, then he's done for the day usually. He likes his "quiet" time in the afternoon and is only interested in eating and sleeping at that point. He also is doing much better recently with allowing me to put him down for his naps - but only if it's in his Boppy chair.
On Monday we're taking him to get his 3-month pictures taken. I have no idea what he's going to wear for his pictures since every outfit he has is so darn cute! Guess I'd better be figuring that out! :)

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